HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 180

BIB ID: 9731
Filing ID: Q20020600-002
Author: Anonymous.
Article: "化腐朽為神奇 - 旅法華裔藝術家聯展" [(Hua fuxiu wei shenqi - lufa huayi yishujia Wang Keping Tong Lu lianzhan) Turn Decadence into the Miraculous - Chinese Artists Residing in France, Wang Keping & Tong Lu] Mingpao Monthly 明報月刊: June, 2002.

[Keywords: art exhibition, about Wang Keping's exhibition, exhibtion runs from 24 May to 29 Jun 2002]
Year: 2002
Source: Other references (其他)

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