HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 2090

BIB ID: 2839
Filing ID: Artist file
Author: Anonymous
Article: “為八和子弟募教育基金,關德興書法義展,其十二齡公子漢東附展佳畫,十三起在聖約翰副堂展三天” [(Wei Bahe zidi mu jiaoyu jijin, Guan dexing shufa yizhan, qi shierling gongzi Handong fuzhan jiahua, shisan qi zai Shengyuehan futang zhan santian) Raising Educational Fund for Bahe Students. Paintings and Calligraphy of Kwan Tak Hing and His Son Will be Exhibited in St. John's Cathedral for Three Days Starting from 13th March] Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報 : Mar 11, 1961.

[Keywords: 20th century Chinese painting, 20th century Chinese calligraphy]
Year: 1961
Source: Wah Kiu Yat Po (Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報)

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