HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 2119

BIB ID: 2832
Filing ID: Artist file
Author: Anonymous
Article: “建公書法學院同人書法展今起舉行 市議員陳樹桓將親臨剪綵” [(Jiangong shufa xueyuan tongren shufazhan jinqi juxing shiyiyuan Chen Shuhuan jiang qinlin jiancai) Exhibition of Calligraphy by Jian Gong Calligraphy College Opens Today] Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報 : Mar 16, 1961.

[Keywords: 20th century Chinese calligraphy]
Year: 1961
Source: Wah Kiu Yat Po (Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報)

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