BIB ID: | 3504 |
Filing ID: | K19610414-001 |
Author: | Ji Tang (輯堂) |
Article: | “推薦「近百年中國書畫選」,收集名家作品百幅彩色版佔卅幅” [(Tuijian “jun bai nian Zhongguo shuhua xuan” shouji mingjia zuopin baifu caiseban zhan safu) Book Titled “Collections of Chinese Painting in the Last Century” Is Recommend. More Than One Hundred Paintings of Famous Artists Are Collected and Thirty of Them are Colour Plates] Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報 : Apr 14, 1961. [Keywords: Chinese painting] |
Year: | 1961 |
Source: | Wah Kiu Yat Po (Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報) |