HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 2312

BIB ID: 3464
Filing ID: Artist file
Author: Liu Zhehui (劉哲暉)
Article: “東方畫藝之重光─介紹天才畫家李長俊” [(Dongfang huayi zhi zhongguang – jieshao tiancai huajia Li Zhangjun) Eastern Painting Style Reappears after Eclipse : Introduction of Genius Painter Lee Cheung Chun] Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報 : Apr 26, 1961. (p. 4.2)

[Keywords: 20th century Chinese painting]
Year: 1961
Source: Wah Kiu Yat Po (Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報)

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