HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 2365

BIB ID: 2741
Filing ID: Artist file
Author: Anonymous
Article: “名家劉源沂書畫篆刻,八晚預展開音樂大會,男女名票友到場會串” [(Mingjia Liu Yuanyi shuhua zhuanke, bawan yuzhan kai yinyue da hui, nannu mingpiaoyou daochang huichuan) Music Concert Will Start at Eight o'clock Tomorrow Night During the Preview of Exhibition of Painting, Calligraphy and Seal by Famous Artist Lau Yun Yee] Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報 : May 6, 1961.

[Keywords: 20th century Chinese painting, 20th century Chinese calligraphy, 20th century seal carving]
Year: 1961
Source: Wah Kiu Yat Po (Huaqiao Ribao 華僑日報)

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