BIB ID: | 11539 |
Filing ID: | Q19960700-001 |
Author: | Guo Shaotang (郭少棠) |
Article: | “香港.澳門殖民史的回顧與展望 —— 香港與中國:歷史的反思和後殖民的境況” [(Xianggang Aomen zhi min shi de hui gu yu zhan wang — Xianggang yu Zhongguo: li shi de fan si he hou zhi min de jing kuang) Colonial History of Hong Kong and Macau – Hong Kong and China: Self-examination of History and Post-colonial Circumstances]. Historical Monthly (歷史月刊) [Li shi yue kan]: Jul, 1997. (pp. 64-68) [Keywords: handover, colony, cultural policy] |
Year: | 1996 |
Source: | Other references (其他) |