HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 3174

BIB ID: 8678
Filing ID: Q19990503-001
Author: Anonymous
Article: "In the Process." [Publication details not available] 1999. [About exhibition ’The Drawing Show’, artists include: Law Koon Chiu (羅冠樵), Wong Pui Kong (黃配江), Kong Kai Ming (江啟明), Rex Chan (陳漢標), Wong Yan Kwai (黃仁逵), Gui Wan (蔡義遠), Yeung Tung Lung (楊東龍), Sze Yuen (施遠), Peter Suart (彼得小治), Antonio Hin Yeung Mak (麥顯揚)]
Year: 1999
Source: TV Times

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