BIB ID: | 6632 |
Filing ID: | X19930819-001 |
Author: | Yu Ruomei (俞若玫). |
Article: | "Fandui shangjie, feigangren zhang yishuju, wenhuajie lianxi huiyi tichu xinfangan" (反對商界、非港人掌藝術局,文化界聯席會議提出新方案) [Fight Against the Bussiness Sector, Non-Hong Kong People in Charge of the Arts Council, People from the Cultural Circle in the Joint Conference Bring Forth a New Proposal]. Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報) [Xinbao], (19 Aug. 1993): 28. [Keywords: arts policy, text in Chinese, HKAA has a photocopy] |
Year: | 1993 |
Source: | Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xinbao 信報) |