HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 446

BIB ID: 7035
Filing ID: J19941215-001
Author: Wen Jingying 文晶瑩(Man, Phoebe)
Article: "扔掉4書5經的書寫藝術 - 貼身文字的反叛" [(Rengdiao sishu wujing de shuxie yishu - tieshen wenzi de fanpan) Throw Away The Four Books and The Five Classics - Revolt by Using Common Vocabularies] Hong Kong Economic Times 香港經濟日報: Dec 13, 1994. (p.C12)

[Keywords: art exhibition, exhibition entitled "Lin Haojun shufazhan" (林浩軍書法展) [Exhibition of Calligraphy by Lin Haojun]]
Year: 1994
Source: Hong Kong Economic Times (Jingji ribao 經濟日報)

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