BIB ID: | 7391 |
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Author: | Shou Ling (守嶺). |
Article: | "Lilun yu jishu doubu zhugou - 'xianggang lida sheying shejixi xuesheng biye zuopinzhan' guanhou" (理論與技術都不足夠 — 「香港理大攝影設計系學生畢業作品展」觀後) [Both Theory and Techniques are not Sufficient - After Viewing 'Graduation Work Exhibition of the Department of Photography and Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University']. Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報) [Xinbao], (28 Aug. 1995): unpaginated. [Keywords: art exhibition, text in Chinese, HKAA has a photocopy] |
Year: | 1995 |
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