BIB ID: | 7551 |
Filing ID: | Q19960209-001 |
Author: | Anonymous. |
Article: | "香港藝術節首次加入視覺藝術: 吳瑪俐, 侯俊明下週動身參展" [(Xianggang yishujie shoucijiaru shijueyishu: Wu Mali, Hou Junming xiazhou dongshencanzhan) Hong Kong the First Time to Include Visual Arts in The Hong Kong Arts Festival: Wu Mali and Hou Junming will be Participating in Their Exhibition Next Week] Zhongguoshibao (China Times): Fed 9, 1996. (unpaginated) [Keywords: art exhibition, about Outside the White Cube exhibition.] |
Year: | 1996 |
Source: | Other references (其他) |