HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 542

BIB ID: 7688
Filing ID: X19961112-001
Author: Liang Baoshan 梁寶珊 (Leung Po-shan, Anthony)
Article: "如虎添翼抑或尾大不掉﹖大學博物館四十之惑" [(Ruhu tianyi yihuo weida budiao? Daxue bowuguan sishi zhihuo) Like a Tiger that has Grown Wings or Too Cumbersome to be Effective? University Museum Approaching Forty Years Old] Xinbao 信報: Nov 12, 1996. (p.32)

[Keywords: arts policy, about University Museum & Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong]
Year: 1996
Source: Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xinbao 信報)

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