HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 547

BIB ID: 7694
Filing ID: X19960131-001
Author: Liao Cuiying 廖翠英
Article: "參與傳統II - 歷史的徙置" [(Canyu chuantong II - lishi de xizhi)Engaging Tradition II - Relocation of History] Xinbao 信報: Jan 31, 1996. (unpaginated)

[Keywords: art exhibition, exhibition entitled "Relocation of History" (歷史的徙置), artists include David Clarke(祈大衛), Liu Shuangyang (劉霜陽), He Qingji (何慶基), Lin Gan (林罡) and Ye Si (也斯)]
Year: 1996
Source: Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xinbao 信報)

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