BIB ID: | 7764 |
Filing ID: | M19961112-001 |
Author: | Pan Liqiong 潘麗瓊 |
Article: | "區局擬立例撥出建築費1%買藝術品,藝術界擔憂好心做壞事" [(Quju ni lili bochu jianzhufei 1% mai yishupin, yishujie danxin haoxin zuo huaishi) The Urban Council Proposed to Allocate 1% of the Construction Sum to Buy Artworks, The Artistic Circle is Worried that Bad Things Could Come Out of a Good Intention] Mingpao 明報: Nov 12, 1996. (p.D1) [Keywords: arts policy] |
Year: | 1996 |
Source: | Mingpao (Mingbao 明報) |