HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 74

BIB ID: 10068
Filing ID: M20020424-001
Author: Wang Jiajia (王嘉嘉), Liu Meiyi (劉美儀)
Article: "推動文化帶動人流,擬刺激經濟,藝墟旺丁不旺財" [(Tuidong wenhua daidong renliu, ni ciji jingji, yixu kong wangding bu wangcai) Promoting Culture in Order to Attract More People to Come, A Plan to Stimulate the Economy, the Art Fair Attracts Many People Yet the Selling of Artworks is not Satisfactory]. Ming Pao Daily News (明報) [Mingbao], (24 Apr. 2002): A10.

[Keywords: arts policy]
Year: 2002
Source: Mingpao (Mingbao 明報)

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