HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 827

BIB ID: 9343
Filing ID: X20011024-001
Author: Anonymous.
Article: "聖地亞哥美術博物館藏南亞繒畫展,探索人與神、權、慾三大課題" [(Shendeyage meishuguan bowuguan zang nanya huihuazhan, tansuo renyushen, quan, yu sanda keti) Exhibition of South Asian Painting Collected by San Diego Art Museum, Exploration of the Three Topics namely Man and God, Power & Desire] Xinbao 信報: Oct 24, 2001. (p.27)

[Keywords: art exhibition]
Year: 2001
Source: Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xinbao 信報)

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