BIB ID: | 9457 |
Filing ID: | X20010322-001 |
Author: | He Zhiping 何志平 |
Article: | "夥伴合作與藝術自由 - 香港首次參與威尼斯雙年展" [(Huoban hezuo yu yishu ziyou - xianggang shouci canyu weinisi shuangnianzhan) Companionable Cooperation and Artistic Freedom - Hong Kong Paticipated in the Venice Biennale for the First Time] Xinbao 信報: Mar 22, 2001. (p.32) [Keywords: art exhibition, about the 50th Venice Biennale] |
Year: | 2001 |
Source: | Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xinbao 信報) |