HKAA Bibliography: Journal/Newspaper Clippings Section

Entry ID: 970

BIB ID: 10268
Filing ID: M20030608-001
Author: Anonymous.
Article: "藝術家入稟圖推翻藝發局決定角逐參加「威尼斯雙年展」落敗" [(Yishujia rubing tu tuifan yifaju jueding jiaozhu canjia 'weinisi shuangnianzhan' luobai) An Artist Apepaling to the High Court attempts to Overturn a Failed Entry to the Venice Biennial Competition of the Arts Development Council] Mingpao 明報: Jun 8, 2003. (unpaginated)

[Keywords: art exhibition, about the 50th Venice Biennale]
Year: 2003
Source: Mingpao (Mingbao 明報)

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