A Connective History of Qing Art: Visuality, Images and Imaginaries


A Connective History of Qing Art: Visuality, Images and Imaginaries
University of Hong Kong, June 7–11, 2012

Each paper: 20-25 minutes, Discussants: 10 minutes

Friday, June 89:00-9:10
Yeewan Koon (HKU) Introductory Remarks
Chen Kaijun Handicraft and Statecraft: Tang Ying’s Album of Imperial Porcelain Manufacture
Kristina Kleutghen Illustrating Perception and Deception: Nian Xiyao and The Study of Vision
Roslyn Hammers Discussant
Stephen Whiteman Some First Steps into Wang Yuanqi’s Topographic Landscapes
Liu Lihong Landscape for Biography and Diplomacy: Zou Yigui’s Art Before the Court, 1722-1742
Roslyn Hammers Discussant
12:45-2:30 Lunch
John Finlay Cultural Commerce between China and France in the 18th Century: The “40 Views of the Yuanming Yuan” in the Collections of Henri-Léonard Bertin
Wang Cheng-hua  Beijing as Imperial Theater: A Global Perspective on the Images of Qianlong’s Eightieth Birthday Celebration
Lai Yu-chih Priming the Empire: Birds, Beasts and Peoples at the Qianlong Court
Greg Thomas Discussant


Saturday, June 910:00–12:30
Nixi Cura Finger Painting as Qing Contemporary Art
Michele Matteini Three Friends, a Crane, a Constellation: The Cult of Su Shi in Eighteenth-century Xuannan District
Yeewan Koon Gods at Leisure: Myths, History and Intimacy in Su Renshan’s Buddhist Art
Jenny Purtle Discussant
12:30-2:00 lunch
Roberta Wue Big Names and Little Games: Shanghai’s Dianshizhai Publisher, Artist Prints and Their Audiences
Lisa Claypool Fountain Pens, Inksticks, and No. 2 Pencils: Artist’s Tools in Late Imperial Shanghai
Jenny Purtle Discussant


Sunday, June 1010:00–12:30
Cole Roskam Writing Liminality: Yue Jiazao’s Chinese Architectural History
Francesca Dal Lago Why realism at the end of the Qing? Socio-political reforms, visual choices and new ways of seeing
Guo Hui Canonization of Qing Art in the Early Twentieth Century
Miriam Basilio and Joan Kee Discussants