Fine Arts at HKU: A Pictorial History



  MB240 as a studio room 1994



Yan and Karen in our department office 1994




Angela Lam and Prof. Chou presenting the

FAIVA project 1995



Prof. Chou, Prof. Clarke and students 1995





Susan, Helen, Connie, Angela…working for the

Open Day 1995



Field trip to India with Dr. Ghose 1996





Prof. Shih’s gathering 1997





Fine Arts Society holding their annual festival 1998




Buddhist Art exhibition opening 1998




 Alumni at the 20th anniversary dinner 1998




Mr. and Mrs. Chuang with students at the

20th anniversary dinner 1998




Orientation camp of the Fine Arts Society 1998


Dr. Thomas in class 1999




  more photos 1978-1982       1983-1988       1989-1993       2000-2008

copyright 2008 Department of Fine Arts, University of Hong Kong