Gloucester Road, Wanchai, closed to traffic due to a massive street occupation, mostly by students and younger people, 29 September 2014.
File name: P1130994.JPG

This photo is one of a sequence taken on a walk from Causeway Bay to Central - entirely on roads closed to traffic due to the occupation. There were no signs of the authorities at any point except directly around the Police Headquarters at Admiralty and the Central Government Complex at Tamar. Many exhausted young people were resting on the road surface itself. 

In a collaboration with the composer Joyce Tang, she wrote a sequence of nine short musical pieces in response to particular photos of Hong Kong taken by me. I had given her a selection of photos to choose from, so the actual images she responded to were chosen by the composer herself. This photo was one of them. The resulting compositions were performed by Western District on 8 April 2016 in the film theatre of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, with my photos projected above the performers. Each musical composition also incorporated as an introduction recorded environmental sounds of an appropriate nature. The instrumentation was piano, viola and clarinet, although individual pieces sometimes only used one or two of the three instruments. A recording of the performance (which doesn't show the screen while the musicians are playing since the recording was made for the performers themselves) can be found at:

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