Hong Kong Art: Articles and Interviews Online
As an aid to the study of Hong Kong art, this section of the Hong Kong Art Archive provides a selection of full-text articles, interviews with artists, etc. The selection is determined by current availability, copyright status, and other factors, and users are referred to the HKAA's bibliography for comprehensive information concerning writing about Hong Kong art. It is hoped to expand the number of texts provided on this page in due course, and suggestions or offers of material without copyright impediments are welcomed. Articles may be in either Chinese or English. Interviews with artists are arranged alphabetically in accordance with artist's name while other articles are arranged by author's name with topic in square brackets. All articles are copyright to the relevant author, etc, as indicated. They are provided here for study purposes only, and must not be further reproduced in any form without permission of the copyright holder.
Student Essays on Hong Kong Art Topics
This section of the Hong Kong Art Archive brings together essays written on Hong Kong art topics by students in the Department of Art History, the University of Hong Kong. These essays are primarily the work of second and third year undergraduate students on the 'Hong Kong Art Workshop' course. Articles are arranged alphabetically in accordance with author's name followed by topic in square brackets. All articles are the copyright of their author, and may not be further reproduced in any form without permission of the copyright holder.
The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU
Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.
Last updated: 3 July, 2020.