Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Chan Shing Kau 陳成球
Name in pinyin: Chen Chengqiu
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1952-
Art Medium: painting
Chan studied modern Chinese ink painting under Liu Kuosung and completed a diploma course in modern Chinese ink painting at the Department of Extra-mural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1978. Since then, he has engaged in creating a modern idiom for Chinese ink painting. He specializes in landscape painting, and many recent works have adopted a square format. Since 1975, he has participated in many local and overseas exhibitions. His works are also collected by museums in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.
[Snow Mountain] 雪山 (1978) Ink on paper 61x60cm[Rising] 初昇 (1989) Ink on paper 40x32cm[A Firing Ball] 火球隕落在山嶺裡 (1989) Ink on paper 48x48cm[Clouds at Mountain Top] 雲峰十八 (1989) Ink on paper 30x30cm
[Shore 3] 岸之三 (1991) Ink on paper 61x61cm[Dream 9] 夢之九 (1991) Ink on paper 61x61cm[Fire 1] 焚之一 (1992) Ink on paper 142x73cm[View 2] 境之二 (1993) Ink on paper 142x73cm
[New Coordinates of Landscape] 山水新座標 (1993) Ink on paper 69x69cm[Thinking 1] 思之一 (1998) Ink on paper 69x69cm[Thinking in the Clouds] 意在雲端 (Not dated) Ink on paper 60x60cm[Mountains] 群山 (Not dated) Ink on paper 61x61cm
[Cliff] 陡壁 (Not dated) Ink on paper 60x61cm[Waterfall] 流瀑 (Not dated) Ink on paper 65x65cm[River] 澗 (Not dated) Ink on paper [Coast 2] 岸之二 (Not dated) Ink on paper 66x66cm
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Contact the artist: csklcp@netvigator.com
Official artist website: http://home.netvigator.com/~csklcp

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.