Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Chow, Don 周法大
Name in pinyin: Zhou Fada
Also known as:
Place of birth:
Dates: 1947-
Art Medium: painting
Chow had worked in the commercial sector before he turned into professional artist. In 1985, he studied Chinese painting and calligraphy under Liu Sihao. Over the years, he has won many awards in prestigeous open competitions held in Beijing. In 2004, his paper was admitted to the 6th National Symposium on Calligraphy. Besides, he had also taught and exhibited in UK. In 1988, his solo exhibition was officiated by the Mayor of Tunbridge Wells, Kent. He was subsequently invited to give a talk and demonstration at the Town Hall.
Shrimp 墨蝦 (1998) Colour & ink on paper 45x67cmPurple Vine 紫藤 (1998) Colour & ink on paper 60x92cmOrchid 著色蘭花 (1998) Colour & ink on paper 45x67cmLandscape 川流不息樂人間 (1998) Ink on paper
Poem of Frog 詠蛙 - 毛澤東詩 (1999) Ink on paper 35x68cmPoem of Sai Kung 詠西貢 (1999) Ink on paper 65x135cmFlowers Welcoming Spring 迎春花 (1999) Colour & ink on paper 48x65cmNarcissuses 水仙花 (1999) Colour & ink on paper 66x94cm
Red Water Lily 紅荷 (1999) Colour & ink on paper 59x69cmBamboo 墨竹 (1999) Ink on paper 65x134cmTree 樹 (1999) Ink on paper 65x87cmPurple Vine 紫藤 (1999) Colour & ink on paper 62x66cm
Dragon in the Air 飛龍在天 (2000) Ink on paper 65x135cmSurplus Every Year 年年有餘 (2000) Ink on paper 64x132cmSpring 瑞春 (2000) Color & ink on paper 66x123cmRed Plum 紅梅 (2000) Colour & ink on paper 34x45cm
Landscape 青色山水 (2000) Colour & ink on paper 67x135cmHen 雞 - 昂然闊步 (2000) Colour & ink on paper 64x69cm
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: wdchow@netvigator.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.