Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Li Yu Fan, Jacqueline 李宇芬
Name in pinyin: Li Yufen
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1961-
Art Medium: ceramics
Li has worked with Mak Yee Fun, another Hong Kong ceramic artist, in the Pottery Workshop since 1985. In 1999, she collaborated with Chris Lo to produce a joint installation work Sculpting Time. Li's first solo exhibition The Return of the Birdswas held in 1995. In addition, she has participated in many joint exhibitions, the most recent one being the International Ceramics Arts Exhibition of Beijing in 2000.
Movement Series (1997) Porcelain bows, wheel-thrown with added paper-clay elements and white glaze, fired at 8 cone oxidation Diameter: 10cm to 12cmTravelers Series (1997) Porcelain vessels hand-built with dolomite, manganese & copper washes, fired at cone 04 and 8 oxidation H 60x65cmFrom June 4th to July 1st (1998) 30 Porcelain pieces & 30 Chinese brushes Fixing the Calendar (1999) Slab-built porcelain with manganese wash at cone 8 oxidation L 11 to 15cm
Special Delivery to Mr. Joerg Haider, Austria (2000) Porcelain, cardboard box and newsclipping
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Henry, Gerard 1999 Jacqueline Li and Chris Lo - "Sculpting Time" [Ceramic, in English]
Contact the artist: jacyfli@yahoo.com, jyfli@btinternet.com
Official artist website: http://www.jacquelineli.com/

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.