Tsang studied calligraphy with his master during the Second World War. However, he remains a self-taught calligrapher by and large. Apart from practising calligraphy, Tsang has also worked as art teacher and executive editor of a bi-monthly magazine. In addition, he acts as an Honorary Consultant of the Hong Kong Museum of Art. Tsang's work Verse by Zhang Xiaoxiang is currently in the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art.
[Couplet in Clerical Script] 集杜牧李白詩句 (1990) Ink on paper
[Calligraphy in Running Script] 吳承恩 - 送人遊洞庭 (1994) Ink on paper
[Calligraphy in Seal Script] 虛懷若各天地寬 (Not dated) Ink on paper
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