Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Chan Chik 陳跡
Name in pinyin: Chen Ji
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1918-2004
Art Medium: photography
In the early years of his career, Chan studied painting in Yongqing Studio under Xu Yongqing. Later, he learned the skills of wood carving and graphic design from sculptor Yu Suoya as well as writers Nie Qiannu and Liu Huozi. During the anti-Japanese resistance war, he worked as a war correspondent for Ta Kung Pao Daily and reported wartime struggles from the east and north of Guangdong. When Hong Kong came under siege, he moved further inland to Guilin where he worked as a teacher in several schools including the Nanning Zhongshan Middle School, Nanning Middle School and Nanning Nursing School. When Nanning also came under siege he moved again, this time to the south of Guangxi. There he taught in the Tianbao National Middle School and Tianbao Teachers Training Institute. After the war, Chan returned to Hong Kong and joined The Great Wall Pictorial as a journalistic photographer. Later he was appointed the director of Photography in Xunhuan Daily . Before he retired in 1980, he had worked for Ta Kung Pao Daily and the The New Evening Post as a reporter and an editor. In his retirement, Chan has continued working and has often undertaken photographic and graphic design projects.
Scraping for a Living, Kowloon City 垃圾堆裡討生活 (九龍城) (1950) Photography size unknownMagic Healer, Wanchai 江衚術士(灣仔) (1952) Photography size unknownPure Gold and Lace-ups – An Impossible Dream 足下生捱(上環) (1953) Photography size unknownAll for One (Inferno) 六村大火災 (1953) Photography size unknown
Crowds turned out to receive delegates from China 尖沙嘴火車站前迎接藯問團的群眾 (1954) Photography size unknownAll for One 劫後溫情 (1954) Photography size unknownHold Tight,Ngau Chi Wan 亦步亦趨(牛池彎) (1956) Photography size unknownTunnel Vision,Sheung Wan 陋巷(上環) (1956) Photography size unknown
Doss Out,Jordan Ferry Pier 露宿(佐敦道碼頭巴士站) (1956) Photography size unknownRe-settlements, Kowloon City 安置區內(九龍城) (1960) Photography size unknownTwo Coolies,Jordan Ferry Pier 有錢樓上樓(佐敦道碼頭) (1962) Photography size unknownLines of Buckets (When Water was Precious) 水桶陣(珍貴的水) (1960s) Photography size unknown
Lines of Buckets (When Water was Precious) 水桶陣(珍貴的水) (1960s) Photography size unknownToil for Just Two buckets of Water 高山取水(北角芽菜坑) (1960s) Photography size unknownOld Man Living on the Fishing Boat 漁家老人 (1975) Photography size unknownRebirth From Fire,Village on the Shore 一夜滄桑(淺水碼頭村) (1970) Photography size unknown
Rebirth From Fire,Trying Desperately to Recover Belongings 一夜滄桑(劫後家園) (1970) Photography size unknownRebirth From Fire,Trying Desperately to Recover Belongings 一夜滄桑(劫後家園) (1970) Photography size unknownThe Morning After, Reduced to Ashes 尋覓家園(火後災區) (1981) Photography size unknownThe Morning After, Reduced to Ashes 尋覓家園(火後災區) (1981) Photography size unknown
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The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.