Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Chou, Irene 周綠雲
Name in pinyin: Zhou Luyun
Also known as:
Place of birth: Shanghai, China
Dates: 1924-2011
Art Medium: painting
Zhou moved to Hong Kong in 1949 and immigrated to Australia in 1992. She obtained her BA degree in Economics in St. John’s University in Shanghai and worked as a reporter for the Peace Daily, Shanghai from 1946 to 1947. She was a teacher in the Department of Extra-Mural Studies at the University of Hong Kong from 1976 to 1984. She has received three awards: Pacific Culture Asia Museum Fine Art Award (1972), Urban Council Fine Arts Award (1983), and Artist of the Year, Hong Kong (1988). Since 1968 Zhou had organized eight solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group shows in Hong Kong and overseas. Her work has been widely collected by museums in Hong Kong, Manila, Boston, Taipei, Brisbane, Melbourne and London.
Longevity 長壽 (1950s) Chinese ink and colour on paper 92x54cmThe Tree 樹 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colours on paper 185x96cmThe Family 家庭 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 185x95cmComposition IV 構圖四 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colours on paper 134.5x66cm
Remembering Mr. Lui 追憶呂壽琨先生 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 135x66cmMy Inner World 內在二 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 134x66cmMovement I 旋律一 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 136.5x69.5cmMovement III 旋律三 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 137x69cm
Spring 春色 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 177.5x96.5cmParadise Lost and Regained 夢幻的世界 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 180x97cmThe Eclipse 日蝕奇景 (date unknown) Chinese ink and colour on paper 176x69.5cmCoda 尾聲 (1990) Chines ink and colours on paper 176x96.5cm
Untitled II 無題二 (1991) Chinese ink and colours on paper 176x96.5cmWhirlwind 旋風 (1991) Chinese ink and colours on paper 176x96.5cmFirmament 穹蒼 (1994) Ink on layered linen paper with mixed media 101x152cmMy First Australian Landscape 首張澳洲風景 (1995) Ink on layered linen paper with mixed media 152x101cm
Calm Peaceful and Creative 平和與創意 (1996) Ink on layered linen paper with mixed media 122x180cmLife is but a Dream II 人生如夢之二 (1999) Ink on satin with mixed media 58x123cmIrene’s Mini Work 5 綠雲小作5 (2001) Ink on rice paper with mixed media 38x38cmThe Universe is in my Mind 5 宇宙便是吾心之五 (2002) Ink on rice paper with mixed media 122x61cm
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Au-yeung H., Henry 歐陽憲 2004 From Representation to Revelation – Irene Chou & Modernism in Hong Kong Art

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.