Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Fung Mei Wah, May 馮美華
Name in pinyin: Feng Meihua
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1952-
Art Medium: video art
Fung is the holder of an MA in Human Resources Management. She worked as a management trainer with the Hong Kong Civil Service Training and Development Institute, resigning from the civil service in 1998. Fung was a film buff in her childhood, and became an independent Super-8 filmmaker in the late 1970s, and a video artist in late 1980s. In addition to her artistic work, she has also been a critic, an administrator, a curator as well as an advisor to several independent art spaces. She was a recipient of an Asian Cultural Council fellowship in 1994 for video art and of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Artistic Development Award in 1999. She is advisor on film to the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and to the Film & Video Department of Hong Kong Arts Centre, and a member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Fung is the holder of an MA in Human Resources Management. She worked as a management trainer with the Hong Kong Civil Service Training and Development Institute, resigning from the civil service in 1998. Fung was a film buff in her childhood, and became an independent Super-8 filmmaker in the late 1970s, and a video artist in late 1980s. In addition to her artistic work, she has also been a critic, an administrator, a curator as well as an advisor to several independent art spaces. She was a recipient of an Asian Cultural Council fellowship in 1994 for video art and of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Artistic Development Award in 1999. She is advisor on film to the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and to the Film & Video Department of Hong Kong Arts Centre, and a member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
Thought 1 思想(一) (1987) 18 min – colour - sound Thought 4 – The Edge of the World 思想(四)-世界盡頭 (1989) 21 min – colour - sound The Triangle 三角 (1992) 7 TV monitors + a video camera + a pink car + some barbed wire Dubcek in Her Mind 她腦海中的杜布錫克 (1993) 25min – colour - sound
V is Composing A Song (performance) V在作一首歌 (1993) Theatre + 3 TV Eco-Psycho III – Welcome to Reality 生態/心態(三)- 歡迎來到真實 (1994) A TV monitor + wooden chopsticks + plastic bubble sheets + large printed English words A Letter to Mo 給毛的一封信 (1995) 25min – colour - sound Eco- Psycho VIII – Future Heroes (Shanghai version) 生態/心態(八)- 未來英雄(上海版) (1998) Two TV monitors –light metallic exhaust pipes
Sweet Life 甜美生活 (12/2002-2/2002) 2 mini LCD monitors, other materials (sheep skins, trees, a toilet for children, a perspex cubicle with one side covered by a venetian blind, UV light tubes Downstairs 樓下 (2002) Light, wind and sound
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Tsang Hing Ling 曾慶靈 2002 Fung Mei Wah, May interviewed by Tsang Hing ling [in Chinese 中文訪問]
Contact the artist: afimage@netvigator.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.