Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Hung Keung 洪強
Name in pinyin: Hong Qiang
Also known as:
Place of birth: China
Dates: 1970-
Art Medium: media art
Hung has lived in Hong Kong since 1973, and tudied in the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained his B.A degree and M.A degree from the Department of Fine Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design in London in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was winner of the “Most Promising Artist Award” in Hong Kong in 1994. He worked as TV Producer and Design Consultant in London in 1997 and became lecturer in the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1998. In 1998 he won both the prestigious BBC British Short Film Festival “Best Short Ambient Video Award” and the “Best of EMAF” in the European Media Art Festival. He also received the “Gold Award”, “Special Award (Video)” and “Distinguished Awards” in Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards in 1997 & 1998. In 2001, he received several Awards: the “Winner of the Prize of Excellence” at the Hong Kong Art Biennial, the “Second Prize” of the Computer Graphics International, and the “Special Mention Interactive CDROM Award” in E-PHOS – The 3rd International of Film & Media Art in Greece. In 2002, he was winner of “President’s Awards” of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His works have been widely exhibited internationally. He was Visiting Scholar at the Center for Art & Media ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany from 2001 to 2002.
Feeling of Child (1995 ) Video Installation, SVHS Pal, approx. 25mins. size unknownTransmigration (1996) SVHS Pal,20mins size unknownSkipping (1997) SVHS Pal size unknownLove (1997) DV, Beta Pal, 9mins size unknown
Hair Cutting (1997) Super 8, 3mins size unknownI Love My Country’s Sky (1997) Original format: 16mm Beta, Final format: DV Pal, 9mins. size unknownForest (1997) SVHS Beta Pal, 15mins size unknownLove II (1998) Hi-band Pal, 7mins size unknown
Transmigration (1998) medium not specified size unknownhttp://www.tube&memory.1997.hk/love (1998) Video Installation, Beta, DV Pal, 15mins size unknownImages Recording> (1998-99) Multimedia Installation, DV Camerax1, CCTVx2, TV Monitorx1, Super 8 Projectorx10, Mac 8500x1, Speakerx2, Colour Printer x 1 size unknownCDROM Project (1998-2000) 2 CDROM, a website size unknown
CDROM Prototype (1999) CDROM size unknownSloping (2001) 2001 size unknownSightseeing III (2001) DV Pal, 9 mins size unknownLaughing (2001-02) Medium not specified size unknown
Doing & Moving (2001-02) Opening Show of Hong Kong Heritage Museum size unknown DVD Movie Version (2001-02) DVD size unknownEating Noodle (1998-2003) Medium not specified size unknownSloping I, II, III< IV & V DVD Project (2001-03) Medium not specified size unknown
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: sddhung@polyu.edu.hk, hk@hungkeung.hk
Official artist website: http://www.hungkeung.hk/main.htm

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.