Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Kan Tai Keung 靳棣強
Name in pinyin: Jin Diqiang
Also known as:
Place of birth: Guangdong, China
Dates: 1942-
Art Medium: graphic design,ink painting
Kan moved to Hong Kong in 1957, and studied applied design at the Department of Extramural studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has started his career as designer in 1967. In 1976 he founded his own design company. His works have received numerous awards in both local and international competitions. Amongst overseas awards are: Best Design Corporate Identity, Asian Advertising Award in 1991 & 1994; Gold Award, International Art Competition, Los Angeles; CLIO Award, Finalist Certificates, New York; Best Work in “Applied Typography 6” Yearbook, Japan; Gold Award in Mercury Award, New York; Numerous CA Awards, New York; 1st Prize in the 1st International Computer Art Biennale in Rzeszow, Poland. Amongst Hong Kong awards are: one of the “Ten Outstanding Young Persons” in 1979; the Urban Council Design Grand Award (Best Designer of the Exhibition) in 1984; Artist of the Year Award – Designer of the Year 1991; “Men of the Nineties” in 1992; Outstanding Achievements Award 1998; Bronze Bauhinia Star in 1999. Kan’s work has been featured in special features of various magazines, such as IDEA magazine, Ryuko Tsushin magazine and Morisawa Quarterly, Japan; Graphic, Switzerland; NOVUM, Germany; and Communication Arts, U.S.A.His design works are in many museum collections worldwide.
Allied Investors Corp. Ltd 聯合企業有限公司商標 (1975) Logo design size unknownSong of Autumn 秋韻 (1976) Ink and colour on paper size unknownOver the Mountains 洞天 (1978) Ink and colour on paper size unknownThe 3rd Festival of Asian Arts 第三屆亞洲藝術節海報 (1978) Poster size unknown
Bank of China 中國銀行商標 (1981) Logo Design size unknownOne Art Group Show 一畫會會展海報 (1983) Poster size unknownCloudy Blue Mountain 雲山藍 (1985) Ink and colour on paper size unknownExhibition of 13 Hong Kong Famous Artists, Nogoya 香港著名畫家十三人展海報(名古屋) (1989) Poster size unknown
Conservation of Nature 愛護自然海報 (1994) Poster size unknownObsessed Desire 柛迷意動 (1994) Ink and colour on paper size unknownPassion for Words - Mountain 文字的感情海報-山 (1993) Graphic Design size unknownPassion for Words - Cloud 文字的感情海報-雲 (1993) Graphic design size unknown
Rhythm from My Mind No.2 心韻之二 (1995) Ink and colour on paper size unknownEnd of the Line (1994) Oil on canvas 22x28in“Bornfree” Paper Series – Walking Free é自在 û花紋紙系列海報-行也自在 (1996) Poster size unknownLove Our Motherearth 我愛大地之母海報 (1997) Poster size unknown
Hand in Hand 手相牽銀器 (1997) Silver sculpture size unknownUniverse – Nature - Man 天 • 地 • 人 (1997) Ink and colour on paper size unknownThree Mountains: Space, Time, Voice 空山 • 旭日 • 泉聲 (2000) Ink and colour on paper size unknownMindscape 心象 (2000) Ink and colour on paper size unknown
Man in Nature 人在自然 (2001) Public Art size unknown
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: kan@kanandlau.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.