Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lai Ming Hoi, Victor 黎明海
Name in pinyin: Li Minghai
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1960-
Art Medium: painting
Lai graduated from the Sir Robert Black College of Education in 1984. He was awarded a certificate of creative watercolour painting and a diploma in Chinese ink painting from the School of Continuing Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1985. He obtained his Bachelor of Education with first class honours from the University of Liverpool in 1987, and (with the scholarship from the British Council) a Master of Arts degree from the Royal College of Art in 1990. He received a fellowship from the Asian Cultural Council in 1991, which enabled him to travel in the United States from 1993 to 1994. Lai was awarded a Ph.D. degree in art history and visual art from Lancaster University in 2001. He is now working as a senior lecturer in the Creative Arts Department of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Painting a vase of flowers by the window 在一九九三年十二月二十七日繪畫的窗前花 (Dec. 27, 1993) Acrylic on canvas 91.5x122cmA Man stand[ing] in front of the mirror (III) 鏡前人(三) (1993) Oil on canvas 86.5x96.5cmLantau Island in Spring 大嶼山的春天 (1993) Oil on canvas 61x61cmStanley Bay (III) 赤柱灣(三) (1994) Oil on canvas 76.5x76.5cm
Angel with Violin 天使與小提琴 (1994) Oil on canvas 99x104cmLeda & the Swan 麗達與天鵝 (1985) Oil on canvas 132x140cmBlue Olympia with Cat (I) 藍色的奧林匹斯與貓 (1995) Oil on canvas 114.3x127cmSunflowers with Bottle 向日葵與瓶子 (1995-96) Oil on canvas 86.5x96.5cm
Visual Diary – Vermont Studio Centre 視藝日記-佛蒙特工作室 (Nov. 6, 1996) Oil on canvas size unknownNativity 誕生 (1996) Oil on canvas 99x104cmAn Indian Dream with Sunflowers 有向日葵的印度夢 (1996) Oil on canvas 132x140cmHomage to Paul Cezanne 向保羅 • 塞尚致敬 (1996) Oil on canvas 104x99cm
An Indian Dream with Book 有書本的印度夢 (1996-97) Oil on canvas 86.5x96.5cmInterior ▪ 1960s’ 室內 • 一九六零 (1997) Oil on canvas size unknownLetter From Home (II) (1997) Oil on canvas 132x138cmCommunication (I) 溝通(一) (1997) Oil on canvas 99x104cm
An Ancient Dream (I) 原始的夢(一) (1997) Oil on canvas 81.5x86.5cmSunflowers at Night 夜裡的向日葵 (1997-98) Oil on canvas 86.5x96.5cmNew Street (II) 新街(二) (1999) Oil on canvas 105.5x99cmThe Pursuit of Happiness 尋找快樂 (1996-99) Oil on canvas 147.5x193cm
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Lai Ming Hoi, Victor 黎明海 2004 Artist's Statement (2004) [in English]
Lam Suet Hung, Anne 林雪虹 2004 Abstract Style in the Paintings of Victor Lai [in English & Chinese]
Contact the artist: vlai@ied.edu.hk, vlai@hkbu.edu.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.