Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lee, Holly 黃楚喬
Name in pinyin: Huang Qiaochu
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1953-
Art Medium: digital photography,multi-media work
Holly Lee has worked as a professional photographer since the 1980s. She has participated in numerous group shows and has had two solo exhibitions: “Owltoise Series” (1985) and “Footsteps of June” (1989). She was awarded an Asian Cultural Council fellowship (1994) and was recipient of the Grand Award and two Gold Awards in the Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers Awards (1995), Best of Multimedia in the Pan Pacific Digital Artistry Competition(1996). Lee now lives in Toronto, Canada.
The Great Pageant Show (c.1997) Colour coupler print Size unknown[Title and other details not currently available] ( date unknown) size unknown[Title and other details not currently available] ( date unknown) size unknown[Title and other details not currently available] ( date unknown) size unknown
[Title and other details not currently available] ( date unknown) size unknown[Title and other details not currently available] ( date unknown) size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Clarke, David 祈大衛 1999 Words and Images: Leung Ping-Kwan and Lee Ka-sing [the "Foodscape" project, Poems/photos, in English]
Henry, Gerard 1997 "Foodscape" - Travelling with a Bitter Melon [About Lee Ka Sing and Leung Ping Kwan, photos/poems, in English]
Contact the artist: gallery@leekasing.ca, mail@leekasing.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.