Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lo Yuen Man, Yvonne 盧婉雯
Name in pinyin: Lu Wanwen
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1957-
Art Medium: photography
Lo graduated from Texas Woman’s University, USA with a MFA degree in Photography in 1985. She worked as reporters for the Oriental Daily News in Hong Kong from 1979 to 1984. Currently she is Assistant Professor in the School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University. She was awarded the 17th Annual Fine Arts Award by the North Texas Area Art League, Visual Art Centre, Denton, Texas in 1985. She held a one-person exhibition, “MFA Photography Exhibition: Self-Exploration” in TWU, USA in 1985. Since 1983, she has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Hong Kong, New York, California, Texas, Minnesota, Yokohama and Shenyang. Her works has been collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Arts and various private collectors.
Book of Rainbow 彩虹 (1982) Photography book 15x15x1cmA Lotus Trip 蓮花之旅 (1984) Photography book 14x21x1.5cmA Doll’s Head and a Mini Clock 娃娃頭與微型鐘 (1985) Kwik print (Kwik EP) 28x35cmA Doll Descended from above 娃娃從天而降 (1992) Kwik print (Kwik EP) 28x35cm
Childhood Memory 童年的回憶 (1992) Kwik print (Kwik EP) 28x35cmA Place of Nowhere 前無去路 (1992) Lwik print and mixed-media 30x26x3cmCurls and Ties 卷帶與小娃娃 (1992) Lwik print and mixed-media 30x26x3cmBare Feet Series I 光著?? 1 (1993) Van Dyke print 38x43cm
Bare Feet Series II 光著?? 2 (1993) Van Dyke print 38x43cmA Grow Up Wish 成長的願望 (1993) Digital print 26x20cmThe Angel and Colored Stones 天使與彩石 (1994) Digital print 20x20cmA Peeping Fish 偷窺的魚 (1994) Digital print 20x23cm
A Growing Flame in a Blue Room 舒適生活?赤漱@點不安 (1995) Digital print 40x42cmA Rooftop, a Lamp, and a Book 屋頂、燈和一本書 (1995) Digital print 40x20cmRunning Away Dolls 要逃跑的娃娃 (1997) Digital print 35x28cmTwo Dolls were Wrapped Up by Measures 被量尺綑綁的娃娃 (1997) Digital print 35x28cm
Wrapped Up Doll with Free Hands 以為自由了的娃娃 (1997) Digital print 26x20cmAnnunciation 報喜 (1997) C-41 print 35x28cmDoll With Photographs 娃娃與照片 (2000) Digital print 35x28cmThe Corner of a Rooftop 視障: 屋頂一角 (2001) Digital print 20x20cm
Through the Broken Grids 視障: 破落格子 (2001) Digital print 20x20cm
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: yvonlo@hkbu.edu.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.