Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Sit Lik Hoi 薜力愷
Name in pinyin: Bi Likai
Also known as:
Place of birth:
Dates: unknown-
Art Medium: photography
Sit obtained a BA and MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Chelsea College of Art & Design, The London Institute in 1996 and 2000 respectively. Sit is Art Director of EDIT Design Consultants and also teaches in various institutes in Hong Kong. Since 1997 Sit has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Hong Kong, New York, Finland, Russia, Germany, and the UK, and his works have been collected by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Museum of Art. Awards include: Collection Award, Hui Yueng Shing art collection, New Asia College, CUHK; Finalist of Philippe Charriol Foundation Hong Kong Art Competition in Sculpture; Public Art (sculpture) Scheme 2002, Artwork for the Fanling Public Library, Leisure and Cultural Services Department; Public Art (sculpture) 2003, Artwork for Ship Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Government.
Bed - 01 (2000) Pin-hole Photography 800x1800mmBed - 02 (2000) Pin-hole Photography 800x1800mmBedroom (2000) Pin-hole Photography 2400x1200mmShirley (2000) Pin-hole Photography 2400x1200mm
Amy (2000) Pin-hole Photography 1500x2400mmMari (2001) Pin-hole Photography 2400x2400mmHotel Room (2001) Pin-hole Photography 3200x1200mmCamera Obscura as Mobile Cinema (2001) Project on Tram in Helsinki size unknown
Camera Obscura as Mobile Cinema (2001) Project on Tram in Helsinki size unknownCamera Obscura as Mobile Cinema (2001) Project on Tram in Helsinki size unknownObscura Room - Baet - 01 (2002) Photography 1200x1000mmObscura Room - Baet - 02 (2002) Photography 1200x1000mm
Obscura Room - Baet - 03 (2002) Photography 220x170mmObscura Room - Jacqueline - Sofa (2002) Photography 1200x1000mmObscura Room - Jacqueline - Wall (2002) Photography 1200x1000mmPiano - city - 01 (2003 ) Digital Photography size unknown
Piano - city - 02 (2003) Digital Photography size unknownPiano - city - 03 (2003) Digital Photography size unknownPiano - city - 04 (2003) Digital Photography size unknownPiano - city - 05 (2003) Digital Photography size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Sit Lik Hoi 薜力愷 2003 Artist's Statement [in English]
Contact the artist: sitlikhoi@hotmail.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.