Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Tse Ming Chong 謝明莊
Name in pinyin: Xie Mingzhuang
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1960-
Art Medium: photography
Tse Ming Chong graduated from the 10th Artists Training Class of Television Broadcasting Limited in 1981. In 1982, he graduated from the Photography Department of Kwun Tong Vocational Training Centre. He obtained a Certificate in Filmmaking from the Department of Extramural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1984. More recently he has studied Chinese Journalism at the Hong Kong Baptist University and worked as a part-time photography teacher at The Art School of the Hong Kong Arts Centre. Between 989 to 2000, Tse held eight Solo Photography Exhibitions in Hong Kong and Australia. He has also participated in numerous group photography exhibitions, Film & Video Exhibitions and Theatre Productions. He received the “Bronze Award/ Kodak Award, Editorial” of the Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers in 1995 and the Fellowship for Artistic Development from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 1997. His works have been collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. In 1999 and 2000 Tse published three books: Horse Race Will Continue in Hong Kong (Tse Ming Chong: 1999); Face to Face (Australian Consulate General Hong Kong: 1999); and A Photographic Portfolio 1997-1999 (Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited: 2000). He was voluntary photographer for Operation Concern in 1995 and Oxfam in 2002. In 1997 he co-founded “The Playground”, a multi-disciplinary collective of artists concerned to promote and organize children art education projects.
Hong Kong ’94 – Central Plaza (1995) Colour transparency 1.2x1.8m(8pcs), 1.8x2.4m (4pcs) & 12 sets of 135 colour slidesHong Kong ’94 – Central Plaza (1995) Colour transparency 1.2x1.8m(8pcs), 1.8x2.4m (4pcs) & 12 sets of 135 colour slidesHong Kong ’94 – Hong Kong Museum of Art (1996) 12 sets of colour slides size unknownGeneration:History, His story, Her story, Your story – Sheung Wo Hang Village (1996) Colour transparency and black and white laser jet on paper 4.4x12.7x2.6m
Generation:History, His story, Her story, Your story – Hong Kong Arts Center (1996) Colour transparency and black and white laser jet on paper 4.4x12.7x2.6mHong Kong Incarnated (1997) Mixed media with black and white laser jet o paper 120x180x30cmPlaycard (1997) 91pcs of colour photo inside a box 14x10x4cmHong Kong Diary ‘96 (1997) Mixed media with colour transparency and Fuji-copy on overhead transparency frame 4.5x4m
Sleeptalk Evidence (1998) Happening and installation size unknownMa Zhao Pao (Horse racing will continue in Hong Kong) – Korea (1997) A set of two 3 layers of transparency Each 60x93cmMa Zhao Pao (Horse racing will continue in Hong Kong) – Arts Centre (1999) Photo installation size unknownWho’s Link (2002) Inkjet on paper 24.4x12.2cm
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: tsemingchong@yahoo.com.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.