Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Wong Ping Pui, Stanley 黃炳培
Name in pinyin: Huang Bingpei
Also known as: Another Mountain Man 又一山人
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1960-
Art Medium: graphic design,photography
Stanley Wong, alias "Another mountain man", graduated in 1980 from Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College (Design & Technology). After five years as a graphic designer, Wong started his career in the advertising industry. Over the next fifteen years he worked at Modern Advertising Ltd, Gery (HK) Advertising and J. Walter Thompson, where he was Creative Director. In 1996, Wong left Hong Kong to join Bartle Bogle Hegarty (Asia Pacific) in Singapore as Regional Creative Director. He returned to Hong Kong in 1999 to take up the position of Chief Executive Officer and Executive Creative Director of TBWA Hong Kong. In 2000, Stanley joined Centro Digital as Chief Creative Officer/Film Director. In July 2002, he set up Threetwoone Film Production Limited with a partner. Stanley has won a great many creative awards in local, regional and international graphic design and advertising competitions. Wong has also held several solo exhibitions of his fine art and photographic work, as well as participating in numerous group exhibitions.
People (1995) Graphic design size unknownPeople (1995) Graphic design size unknownHong Kong Reunion (1997) Photography size unknownHong Kong Reunion (1997) Photography size unknown
Hong Kong Reunion (1997) Photography size unknownStairway to Heaven (1997) Photography size unknownOil Street (1999) Mixed media installation size unknownOil Street (1999) Mixed media installation size unknown
Oil Street (1999) Mixed media installation size unknownChanges in 50 Years (2001) Mixed media installation size unknownChanges in 50 Years (2002) Mixed media installation size unknownChanges in 50 Years (2003) Mixed media installation size unknown
Changes in 50 Years - Ruler (2003) Mixed media installation size unknownBuilding Hong Kong (2003) Mixed media installation size unknownBuilding Hong Kong (2003) Mixed media installation size unknownBuilding Hong Kong (2003) Mixed media installation size unknown
Building Hong Kong (2003) Mixed media installation size unknownRed White Blue (2003) Mixed media size unknownRed White Blue (2003) Mixed media size unknownRed White Blue (2003) Mixed media size unknown
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: stanley@threetwoone.com.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.