Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Yan Lei 顏磊
Name in pinyin: Yan Lei
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hebei, China
Dates: 1965-
Art Medium: mixed media work
Yan Lei graduated from the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1991. Currently he lives in Beijing and Hong Kong. He has held three solo Shows from 1995 to 2001 in Beijing and Hong Kong, including “Invasion” (Beijing Junior Art Theatre, 1995); “On the Frontier of Capitalism” (Museum of Site, Hong Kong, 1999); and “International Scenery” (China Art Archives & Warehouse, Beijing, 2001). Since 1989 Yan has participated in numerous Group Shows in Beijing, Hong Kong, Vancouver, Hangzhou, Korea, Macau, Finland, Chengdu, Sao Paulo, Gwangju, Paris, Cologne, Shanghai, etc.
Are You Included at the Show in Germany? (1996) Acrylic on canvas size unknownInvitation Letter (In Collaboration with Hong Hao) (1997) Colour print size unknownMay I See Your Works? (1997) Limited edition of printing size unknownThis Way Kessel (1998) Installation size unknown
Second-Hand Store – Hong Kong (1998) Installation/Performance size unknownSecond-Hand Store - Pusan (1999) Installation/Performance size unknownRed-Light District – Oil Street Artist Village Hong Kong (1999) Installation size unknownRed-Light District – Shanghai Street Art Space Hong Kong (1999) Installation size unknown
Letter From P.S.1 (2000) Colour print size unknownCurator (2000) Acrylic on canvas size unknownHong Kong Artist Commune (2000) Acrylic on canvas size unknownThe Official Vehicle of Documenta (2000) Installation size unknown
Red-Light District – Hong Kong Artist Commune (2000) Installation size unknownSecond- Hand Store - Shanghai (2000) Installation/Performance size unknownBack-cover of Flash Art (2000) Acrylic on canvas size unknownDish (2001) Acrylic on canvas size unknown
International Passage (In Collaboration with Fu Jie) (2002) Installation size unknownAppertizer (2002) Mixed media size unknownProject 3 (In Collaboration with Fu Jie) (2002) size unknownYan Lei’s Works at the Yan Lei’s Works at the venue of Sao Paulo Biennale (2002) size unknown
Yan Lei’s Works at the venue of Shanghai Biennale (2002) size unknownProject 2 (In Collaboration with Fu Jie) (2002) Aluminium size unknown
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: yanfu@netvigator.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.