Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Yu Wai Luen, Francis 余偉聯
Name in pinyin: Yu Weilian
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1963-
Art Medium: painting
Yu is a painter. He has held four solo exhibitions and has taken part in many group exhibitions in Hong Kong and overseas. He obtained his B.F.A. from York University in Toronto and received a scholarship to pursue his M.A. studies at the Royal College of Art in London. He is currently a lecturer in The Art School of Hong Kong Arts Centre.
Borrowing East Wind from Kong Ming 孔明借東風 (1998) Oil on canvas 150x150cmPear/Pair 分離/分梨 (1998) Oil on canvas 150x150cmHandmade 人手製作 (1999) Oil & acrylic on canvas 120x120cmMuch Alike, Slight Different 大同小異 (1999) Oil on canvas 120x180cm
Canvass 拉票 (2000) Oil, acrylic & enamel paint on canvas & silk 76x122cmMoonlight Before My Bed ?前明月光 (2000) Oil, acrylic & enamel paint on canvas & silk 120x150cmNot Suitable for Moralist 非禮勿視 (2000) Oil & enamel paint on canvas with magazines 180x120cmPlum in Gold Vase (I) 金瓶梅(一) (2002) Oil on canvas with vases 180x120cm
Homage to Hong Kong Modern Western Painting 向香港現代西洋畫致敬 (2002) Enamel paint on tailor-made pictures 180x120cmWhite Noise 雪花 (2002) Oil on canvas with Television Sets 180x120cmShaolin Soccer (siu lam chk kau) 少林足球 (2002) Oil on canvas with balls 120x240cmTelefishion 魚樂無窮 (2002) Oil on canvas with television sets 120x90cm
Serenade 小夜曲 (2002) Oil & enamel paint on canvas with spittoons 120x90cmFive Fingers Mountain 五指山 (2002) Oil on canvas with books 150x150cmWalking Along Till the End of the Brook, Sitting Down & Watching The Clouds Appear 行到水窮處, 坐看風起時 (2002) Mixed media on paper with toilet seat 50x40cmCelestial Poet Li Bai (sin sin li bai) 詩先李白 (2002) Oil on canvas with books 100x160cm
No full-text material currently exists for this artist. Please check bibliography database for other possible material on any given artist.
Contact the artist: fyu@hkac.org.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.