Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

To, Hiram 杜子卿
Name in pinyin:
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1964-2017
Art Medium: installation
Hiram To has worked as an artist and curator since the late 1980s. For an extended period, he lived in Scotland and Australia. Since his return to Hong Kong in the mid-1990s, he has worked in arts funding, journalism, and in corporate communications. To has exhibited internationally with a major exhibition at Camden Arts Centre, London in 1994, and The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Canada in 2002. In 2007, he represented Hong Kong in the 52nd Venice Biennale international art exhibition. He writes for both English and Chinese publications, including Art Monthly Australia, South China Morning Post, The Standard and Harper’s Bazaar. His works are in the collections of National Gallery of Australia, Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum and the Queensland Art Gallery.
High Performance (1994) installation, front view, inkjet on canvas 385 x 313 cm, Camden Arts Centre, LondonHigh Performance (1994) installation, rear view, inkjet on canvas, furniture painted in Dulux acrylics, framed photographs 385 x 313 x 200 cm, Camden Arts Centre, London In Visible Differences, Charlie Chan (1994-1995) installation, type C print on engraved tempered glass The Winniepeg Art Gallery, CanadaThe Corner of Luxury and Crime 2 (2000 version) 3-D lenticular transparency in lightbox 100 x 150 cm
The Skin I am In (1994, 2002 version) installation, 5 framed type C photographs, drum kit with photographs on Plexiglas 170 x 85.5 cm, The Winnipeg Art Gallery, CanadaIn Visible Difference (1994-1995, 2002) installation The Winnipeg Art Gallery, CanadaIn Visible Differences, Aidan (1995-2002) installation, type C prints on engraved glass 94.5 cm diameter, The Winnipeg Art Gallery, CanadaIn Visible Differences, James (1995-2002) type C prints on engraved glass d. 94.5 cm, The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Canada
You do not know how I feel (1997, 2002 version) installation, fabric with laser-cut text, flag pole, finial, slide projection, Dior Higher cologne, audio recording The Winnipeg Art Gallery, CanadaCrimes and Misdemeanors (2002) installation, left view, lenticular transparency in lightboxes, clothing, racks The Winnipeg Art Gallery, CanadaCrimes and Misdemeanors (2002) installation, right view, lenticular transparency in lightbox, shoes in boxes, wool, clothing tags in Plesiglas box The Winnipeg Art Gallery, CanadaDior-orDi (2002) 3-D lenticular transparency in lightbox 203 x 42.5 x 25.5 cm
I Love You More Than My Own Death, The Pledge (2007) installation, lenticular transparency in lightbox, Plexiglas, steel, fiberglass and paint Hong Kong pavilion, 52nd Venice BiennaleI Love You More Than My Own Death, The Turn (2007) installation, lenticular transparency in lightbox, Plexiglas, steel and paint Hong Kong pavilion, 52nd Venice BiennaleI Love You More Than My Own Death, The Prestige (2007) Installation, lenticular transparency in lightbox, steel, aluminium, Plexiglas and paint Hong Kong pavilion, 52nd Venice BiennaleShoot the Moon (from I Love You More Than My Own Death) (2008) type C photograph 100 x 150 cm
Eight Models (from I Love You More Than My Own Death) (2008) framed lithographic printing plate, panel 1 of a series of 8 90 x 115 cmEight Models (from I Love You More Than My Own Death) (2008) framed lithographic printing plate, panel 5 of a series of 8 90 x 115 cm
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The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.