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City Monument/ Monument City ( 1998 ) silk-screen city map on steel platforms and slow speed motors 150cm x 100cm x 24cm
Monument is the timepiece reminds us of our history and our identity. The location of monuments in a city always reflects the structure of local power as we find major monuments always occupy the most prestigious locations in a city. The city map of Hong Kong is divided into four sections and silk-screened on the surface of four steel platforms. Locations of major monuments are identified and marked. While the platforms turn, there is no more absolute center and margin. Location becomes only a relative term in description.

City Monument/ Monument City ( 1998 ) silk-screen city map on steel platforms and slow speed motors 150cm x 100cm x 24cm

City Monument/ Monument City ( 1998 ) silk-screen city map on steel platforms and slow speed motors 150cm x 100cm x 24cm

City Monument/ Monument City ( 1998 ) silk-screen city map on steel platforms and slow speed motors 150cm x 100cm x 24cm

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.