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Local Orientation ( 1998 ) video installation approx. 8m x 10m x 3m (Installation space)
Our daily life and movement (means, speed and directions) is well defined by the existing city structure (building blocks and infrastructure system). In this project, the location where this work was exhibited was marked on a street map as the center. Four straight lines were drawn from it and extended across the buildings and roads on the map. Following these lines of path, exploration walks were made with a video camera to capture the diversity of the cityscape and street life. When approaching a blockade of building/ wall along the set path, the journey will stop and continue again on the other side following the same path. The video then projected on the four corners accordingly in the gallery.

Local Orientation ( 1998 ) video installation approx. 8m x 10m x 3m (Installation space)

Local Orientation ( 1998 ) video installation approx. 8m x 10m x 3m (Installation space)

Local Orientation ( 1998 ) video installation approx. 8m x 10m x 3m (Installation space)

Local Orientation ( 1998 ) video installation approx. 8m x 10m x 3m (Installation space)

Local Orientation ( 1998 ) video installation approx. 8m x 10m x 3m (Installation space)

Local Orientation ( 1998 ) video installation approx. 8m x 10m x 3m (Installation space)

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.