Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Chau Lam 鄒琳
Name in pinyin: Zou Lin
Also known as:
Place of birth: Cheng Hoi, China
Dates: 1942-
Art Medium: painting
Chau came to Hong Kong in 1979. He had worked as artistic designer before he became professional artist in 1993. He specializes in human portrait. His works include paintings, charcoal drawings, and sketches. Chau thinks that the impression of workmanship on charcoal portraits, the colours of folk crafts and string music in his hometown have all inspired his art. With the support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Chau held his solo exhibition and published his album The Rhythmic Soul: The Portraits Paintings of Chau Lam in 1999.
By the Han River 韓江邊 (1962) Oil on canvas Bathing 出浴 (1963) Coloured Woodcut Farewell Without a Word 無聲的再見 (Not dated) Charcoal on paper Easy and Emptiness in Mind 恬淡虛無 (Not dated) Charcoal on paper
Philosophical Meditation 千慮必得 (1993) Charcoal on paper Self-fullness 悠然自得 (1994) Charcoal on paper An Aggressive Old Man 老驥伏櫪 (1994) Charcoal on paper
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The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.