Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Cheung Kam Long 張錦隆
Name in pinyin: Zhang Jinlong
Also known as:
Place of birth: Sichuan, China
Dates: 1939-
Art Medium: painting
Cheung received his art training in Hong Kong during the 1960s. He was the Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Artists Society from 1995 to 1997. Cheung advocates selective borrowing of artistic idioms from other cultures without losing one's own national identity. He believes that there are certain similarities between Chinese ink painting and Western watercolour drawing. Naturally, one may find discernible watercolour brushwork in his ink paintings. Cheung's works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, and various regions in China. He has recently participated in the Chinese Poem-Calligraphy and Painting International Exhibition.
Landscape 高山水長流 (1978) Colour & ink on paper Landscape - Spring 早春二月 (1978) Colour & ink on paper Spring 春曉 (1979) Colour & ink on paper Landscape - Spring 春回大地 (1979) Colour & ink on paper
Landscape 山村變了樣 (1996) Colour & ink on paper Three Friends 三友行 (1998) Acrylic on canvas Landscape - Spring 春意無限 (2000) Colour & ink on paper [Waterfall] 山瀑爭流圖 (2003) Ink on paper 60x50cm
[Dwelling in Spring] 山寨春臨 (2003) Felt-tip pen with light colour on paper 30x25cm[A Magpie Announcing Welcome News] 喜雀報佳音 (2003) Ink and colour on paper 65x55cm[Storm] 狹谷風瀑 (2003) Ink and colour on paper 50x65cm[Mountains] 萬山圖 (2003) Ink and colour on paper 50x60cm
[At Dusk] 艷陽天 (2003) Ink and colour on paper 50x50cm[Waterfall] 青山石山流 (2003) Ink and colour on paper 30x25cm
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Cheung Kam Long 張錦隆 2004 Artist's Statement [in Chinese]

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.