Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Chung Chee Yan, Wilson 鍾志仁
Name in pinyin: Zhong Zhiren
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1945-
Art Medium: painting
Chung was trained locally in art. He specializes in both Chinese and Western painting. Moreover, he has also promoted children's art education in Hong Kong. His work was presented in the Artwork Display Exhibitionin conjunction with 1997 Hand-over Ceremony. Recently, he has been more dedicated to watercolour drawing and outdoor sketching activities. He is currently the Chairman of Hong Kong Sketching Society and is responsible for coordinating the Society's annual exhibition. He has also participated in the exhibitions held during the Fringe Club's City Festival and the sketching activity in the annual Shatin Fun Fair of the Fringe Festival.
[Stanley] 赤柱後灘修船廠 (1994) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Tai Po] 大埔舊環保署 (1995) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Tai Po] 大埔泰亨村(建醮會場) (1996) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Tai Po] 大埔滘遊艇會舊址 (1997) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm
[Yuen Long] 元朗南生圍水鄉 (1998) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Shek O] 石澳大頭州 (1999) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Shatin] 沙天曾大屋 (1999) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Shek O] 石澳海岸 (1999) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm
[Fanling] 粉嶺龍山學校校園 (1999) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Tai Po] 大埔林村梧桐寨花田 (1999) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens] 港島動植物公園 (2000) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Sha Tao Kok] 沙頭角海鳥石角淺灘 (2000) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm
[Fanling] 紛嶺流水嚮水塘 (2000) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Yuen Long] 元朗大棠郊野 (2000) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Sheung Shui] 上水朗原濕地 (2001) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Shatin] 沙田萬佛寺 (2001) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm
[Tai Mei Tuk] 大美篤八仙湖 (2001) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Tai Po] 前大埔理文府停車場 (2001) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Tsuen Wan] 荃灣城門水塘 (2001) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm[Hong Kong Park] 香港公園 (2001) Watercolour on paper 38x54cm
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The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.