Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Leung Kui Ting 梁巨廷
Name in pinyin: Liang Juting
Also known as:
Place of birth:
Dates: 1945-
Art Medium: mixed media work,painting,sculpture
Leung studied painting under Lu Shoukun in 1964. From 1974 to 1990, he was a part-time lecturer of the Swire School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was Principal and Director of Academic Affairs of the Hong Kong Chingying Institute of Visual Arts from 1980 to 1994. He is currently an Honorary Advisor of the Hong Kong Art Promotion Panel, Hong Kong Museum of Art. His works have been widely exhibited in Hong Kong and overseas. His sculptures are displayed in various public spaces such as Kowloon Park and the Salisbury Garden, etc. He was granted the Urban Council Fine Arts Award (Painting - Western Media) in 1975, Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the Year Award in 1981, Freeman Asia Foundation Award from the Vermont Studio Centre, U.S.A. in 1998 and Fellowship for Artistic Development (Visual Arts) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 1999.
Vision 懷意 (1965) Chinese ink & watercolour on paper 130x80cmComposite Assemblage III 混集之三 (1967) Chinese ink & oil on paper 130x80cmTranquil Mountains 山幽 (1974) Chinese ink & watercolour on paper 90x90cmBeyond Form 象外 (1991) Chinese ink & watercolour on paper 72x51cm
Heaven Landscape 天象 (1992) Chinese ink & watercolour on paper 146x364cmBeijing 1 北京之行(一) (1994) Chinese ink & watercolour on paper 43x91cmBeijing 2 北京之行(二) (1994) Chinese ink & watercolour on paper 43x91cmBeijing 3 北京之行(三) (1994) Chinese ink & watercolour on paper 43x91cm
Trigram Grid 三元九宮 (1996) Duan-stone, bronze & granite 120cmx120cmx3m(H)Rustic 1 渾變之一 (1998) Ink on paper installation 240x182cmMemory 2 懷意之二 (1999) Ink on paper 91x120cmLandscape 2 薄壁之二 (2000) Ink on paper 94x94cm
Landscape 4 薄壁之四 (2000) Ink on paper 94x84cmRhythm and Performances 樂演 (2000) Stainless steel, bronze & gold leaf 1x1x4m(H)A Psalm of Landscape 山水頌 (2001) Ink on canvas 180x122cmThe Explorer 探索者 (2001) Ink on paper and mixed media installation
Rustic 渾變 (2001) Ink on paper 186x226x120cm(W)Ink-Installation 水墨地景 (2001) Mixed media 240x400x50cmStele of the West 西源碑誌 (2001) Bronze & stone (sculpture model) 100x100x40cm(H)Harmony 1 合一 (2001) Bronze & gold leaf (Sculpture model) 100x100x40cm(H)
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Leung Kui Ting 梁巨廷 2002 Artist's Statement (2002) [in English & Chinese]
Contact the artist: kuiting@ctimail3.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.