Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lui Chun Kwong 呂振光
Name in pinyin: Lu Zhenguang
Also known as:
Place of birth: Guangdong, China
Dates: 1956-
Art Medium: painting
Lui was born in Guangdong, China in 1956. The family moved to Hong Kong in 1962. He graduated with a BA degree at the National Taiwan Normal University in 1980, and a MA degree at Goldsmiths' College, University of London in 1994. He now serves as Associate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since 1978, Lui has organized several solo-exhibitions in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and participated in many group shows in Asian museums and European galleries.
Backyard 後庭栽綠 (1979) Watercolour on paper 57x77cmModern Angels 現代天使 (1984) Mixed media on paper 183x183cmThe Lovers No.2 愛侶(二) (1986) Oil on linen 188x175cmTo the Unknown Bird No. 1 鳥(一) (1986) Acrylic on paper 114x114cm
Painting No.64 繪畫六十四號 (1989) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 183x132cmThe Earth 土 (1994) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 92x108cmThe House 屋 (1994) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 92x108cmLandscape No. 9115 山水第九一一五號 (1995) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 213x92cm
The Lake 湖 (1996) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 108x92cmLandscape No. 9126 山水第九一二六號 (1996) Acrylic & mixed media on linen 183x122cmLandscape No. 9166 山水第九一六六號 (1996) Acrylic & mixed media on linen 183x122cmLandscape No. 9087 山水第九零八七號 (1997 ) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 213x92cm
Landscape No. 9078 山水第九零七八號 (1998) Acrylic & mixed media on linen 183x122cmLandscape No. 9029(Homage to F. Kupka) 山水第九零二九號(向庫普卡致敬) (1999) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 213x92cmLandscape No. 9039 山水第九零三九號 (1999) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 213x92cmLandscape No. 0770 山水第零七七零號 (2000) Acrylic & mixed media on linen 213x92cm
Landscape No. 0131 山水第零一三一號 (2001) Acrylic & mixed media on linen 213x92cmLandscape No. 0161 山水第零一六一號 (2001) Acrylic & mixed media on linen 213x92cmLandscape No. 0151 山水第零一五一號 (2001) Acrylic & mixed media on linen 213x92cmLandscape No. 0181 山水第零一八一號 (2001) Acrylic & mixed media on canvas 213x92cm
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Lui Chun Kwong 呂振光 2004 Artist's Statement [in English & Chinese]
Contact the artist: chunkwonglui@cuhk.edu.hk, luichunkwong@gmail.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.