Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Shieh Ka Ho, Wilson 石家豪
Name in pinyin: Shi Jiahao
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1970-
Art Medium: painting
Shieh completed both his Bachelor and Master degrees at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He specializes in figure painting. Although Shieh uses traditional Chinese fine-brush painting techniques, his works concern themselves with contemporary themes. In 1997, he was winner of the Painting Category in The Philippe Charriol Foundation Art Competition. Shieh had two solo exhibitions in the 1990s, namely Femme Fatales: Drawings by Shieh Ka Ho (Fringe '95) and Fleshly - Chinese Fine-brush Paintings by Wilson Shieh of 1998. His work has recently been collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
Miss Gentleman 男人婆 (1996) Ink & colour on silk 40x18cmMister Lady 女人形 (1996) Ink & colour on silk 40x18cmChairlady 主席女士 (1997) Ink & colour on silk 38x17cmBreastphobia 懼乳症 (1997) Ink & colour on silk 23x23cm
Sushieh 石式料理 (1998) Chinese ink & watercolour on silk 63x63cmBirth of Chimpanzee (1998) Chinese ink & watercolour on silk 30x24cmTruth of Elephant (1998) Chinese ink & watercolour on silk 30x24cmKoala Placed (1999) Chinese ink & watercolour on silk
UV Club 紫外線俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cmBike Club 單車俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cmChill Beat Club 弛放節拍俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cmPhilo Sophie Club 愛智俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cm
Sailor Club 水手俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cmHealth Club 健壯俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cmKaraoke Club 卡拉OK俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cmJockey Club 騎士俱樂部 (2002) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 27 × 24 cm
Victoria Bath 乘雲 (2003) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard Diameter 31 cmVictoria Pool 棲霞 (2003) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard Diameter 31 cmSeven Basic Poses (2003) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on silk 95 × 61 cmNight and Day (2003) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on dyed silk 80 × 30 cm
Hong Kong Cultural Centre (2004) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 32 × 41 cmHong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (2004) Chinese ink, watercolour and gouache on golden cardboard 32 × 41 cmBank of China and Broken Wine Bottle (2004) Chinese ink, watercolor and gouache on dyed silk 62 × 62 cm
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Leung Po Shan 梁寶山 2001 Shieh Ka Ho, Wilson interviewed by Leung Po Shan [in Chinese 中文訪問]
Shieh Ka Ho, Wilson 石家豪 2004 Artist's Statement (2002) [in English & Chinese]
Shieh Ka Ho, Wilson 石家豪 2001 Artist's Statement (2001) [in English]
Contact the artist: chengshieh@hotmail.com, wilsonshieh@yahoo.com.hk
Official artist website: http://www.wilsonshieh.com/

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.