Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Tang Wing Chi 鄧榮之
Name in pinyin: Deng Rongzhi
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1946-
Art Medium: printmaking
Tang is famous for printmaking in Hong Kong as well as in China. He has been the Chairman of the Hong Kong Print Artist's Association for 7 consecutive years. Tang started to paint in 1965 and his works have been presented in various major print exhibitions in Hong Kong, Sichuan, Beijing, and Taipei. He took part in the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition of 1979 and 1992. He held his first solo exhibition, The Charms of Hong Kong, in 1998.
[Landing on the Moon] 登月 (1972) Oil on canvas, collage 61.5x91cm[Danger] 危險 (1977) Watercolour, collage 38x61cm[Price Rises] 加價 (1983) Print, mixed media 40x50cm[Computer Characters] 電腦人物 (1983) Print, mixed media 40.5x48.5cm
[Declaration] 聲明 (1985) Oil on canvas 100.5x101cm[Laws] 法則 (1986) Print, mixed media 47.5x57cm[Prospect] 前途 (1990) Watercolour, collage 57x76cmWomen 女人 (1991) Print, mixed media 45x60cm
[My Dreams] 我的夢想 (1994) Print, mixed media 50x70cm[Chief Executive] 特首 (1997) Mixed media 18x18x41cm[Evolution] 演進 (1998) Print, mixed media 29.5x29.5cmPrimitiveness and Civilization 原始與文明 (2003) Woodblock, silkscreen size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Tang Wing Chi 鄧榮之 2004 Discussion on Hong Kong Art [in Chinese]

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.